Monday, April 4, 2011

Usun Apau Plateau

Usun Apau is claimed by the Kayan and Kenyah of Sarawak as their heritage site or legendary place. They claimed the great forefather to have come from this plateau? They may have settled here at one time for some purposes but due to no accesses to food and other basic needs on top of this plateau, they have abandoned this plateau or 'Apau'. One of the main reason why our great grandfather was in the Usun Apau is because it is a safe place during the head hunting era. Their enemies found it very-very tough to access or come to this plateau. Indeed animals are rare found here. It’s really an exciting place to discover for anybody who can walk in a very thick tropical forest and rivers. Usun Apau basically located in between Tinjar, Rajang and Baram River. There is a plan to explore this area by the Kenyah people right after the Murum dam near Plieran river has been completed.

Geographically, the plateau is the watershed that separates the two great rivers of Sarawak, the Rajang and the Baram. The rivers that run off the plateau feed the Rajang, Baram, Murum and Tinjar catchment areas and run into four of the proposed new Sarawak dams. The plateau contains three extinct volcanoes - Mount Selidang, Kanawang and Batu Mabun. Two outlier volcanoes to the north, Kalulong and Seludong are separated from the plateau by the Paong river valley. It comprises a large part of the catchment area for the water supply for north and central Sarawak and the peat forests on the plateau act as reservoirs that filter and store many months supply of water.

Usun Apau Plateau have plenty of unexplored natural wonders like these images showing lots of high rise multi-storey chilling waterfalls. Selio, Julan, Katok waterfall are just a few example.

*Pictures were taken from some other blogs.

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